Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

With General Electric slated to complete its remediation of PCBs in the Hudson River and pull up shop by as early as mid-summer 2015, now is the critical time for the future economic and environmental health of our communities. GE needs to step up to […] More
Haul out 12_9_14
It was our 14th year together – and another good one. Now for some TLC, maintenance and upgrades. If all goes well we’ll float again at the beginning of April. I can’t wait. More
Eagles on the Hudson River, Verplanck N.Y. (Photo: Tom Rogan)
We are proud to report on another remarkable year of success restoring the Hudson and protecting your drinking water. We owe so much of it to you, as donors, activists and volunteers. In 2015, we’ll need you more than ever: As the clean water challenges […] More
2015 SOS NYAF FB banner
A decision regarding whether to allow high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in New York State has been on hold pending the completion of a New York State Department of Health (DOH) review of information on fracking’s health impacts. Governor Cuomo recently said that he expects DOH to finish its review by the end of this year, meaning a decision on fracking in New York could be just around the corner. More
Albany happy hour 1
Dana Gulley toasting to Albany Volunteers
Riverkeeper volunteers dedicated over 10,962 hours of service to the Hudson River in 2014. To acknowledge the remarkable work of our Ambassadors, Citizen Scientists and Sweep Leaders we held five happy hour events from New York City to Albany in early November. Over the past few years the Riverkeeper volunteer program has grown tremendously, demonstrating the public desire to engage in our work. Because volunteers give our organization so much we wanted to show our appreciation and raise a glass in their honor. Giving volunteers the opportunity to connect with one another and with Riverkeeper staff is an important part of building community. More
Riverkeeper is proud to announce our partnership with the Bard Center for Environmental Policy through which one incoming student is awarded the Riverkeeper Scholarship. The Riverkeeper Scholar will receive a scholarship for 30 percent of their tuition for two years of full-time enrollment towards a Master of Science in Environmental Policy or Climate Science and Policy. In addition to financial support, the Riverkeeper Scholar will receive: More
Riverkeeper is working alongside local organizations to ensure a thorough environmental review of the proposed Niagara Water Bottling Facility in the Town of Ulster – a plan in which Kingston would sell water from its municipal system. In a few short weeks, Riverkeeper, The Woodstock […] More
Support Us
Riverkeeper is proud to share with you the following big wins, all of which occurred in just the last three weeks! More
Newtown creek patrol11_18_14_blog
We recently finished a three day patrol from Troy to the Battery with oil spill response experts from NYS DEC and U.S. Coast Guard aboard. The idea was to share information and give responders a firsthand look at the Estuary we are all charged with […] More
Do these rail bridges look okay to you? (See more photos.) In this video, Riverkeeper follows up on a tip about crumbling concrete foundations at two rail bridges that are traversed by freight trains – including those hauling volatile Bakken crude oil – along the […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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