Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Round goby. (Photo: USFWS)
The round goby, a small fish with frog-like eyes, might not seem like much of a threat. But when the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) captured four of them in the Hudson River last summer, it set off an alarm. More
Map courtesy: Ulster County Department of the Environment
The Clean Water Act requires New York State to maintain a list of water bodies where certain uses – drinking, recreation, fishing, etc. – are “impaired” by pollution. For each impaired water body on the list, the state must eventually develop a plan to limit pollution. The list names hundreds of waterbody segments, many of which are located in the Hudson River Watershed, and it must be updated every two years. More
Roberta Frampton Benefiel Grand Riverkeeper Labrador, Inc.
Communities, organizations and individuals are urging New York State not to award billions of dollars in subsidies for the Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) hydropower transmission project, based on numerous concerns. More
watershed agreement signing
Commemorating 25th anniversary of NYC Watershed Agreement, signed January 21, 1977 More
community activists with Norlite_6487327
Two years ago, my community of Cohoes, N.Y., learned that the Norlite hazardous waste incinerator, located 100 feet from my apartment complex, had been illegally burning millions of pounds of aqueous film forming foam, or AFFF, containing carcinogenic PFAS chemicals. More
Photo: CC, National Parks Service
Almost every member of Congress in the Hudson River watershed has signed on as a cosponsor of the landmark New York - New Jersey Watershed Protection Act which would authorize $50 million a year in federal funds to protect and restore the Hudson-Raritan watersheds. More
Grand Gorge MSW Facility Rendering-1000
Rendering courtesy of Don’t Trash the Catskills
Hughes Energy LLC has proposed a municipal solid waste processing facility in Grand Gorge, N.Y., less than 2,000 feet from the Schoharie Creek and Schoharie Reservoir, which is part of New York City’s drinking water supply. Now is a critical time for the public to become informed and give input. More
Debbie Harry photo credit_ Guy Furrow
Photo: Guy Furrow
Limited collection is among the works of art being sold through silent auction December 14 to support Riverkeeper’s work to protect and restore the Hudson. More
Maryland darter / Dave Neely
Dams and pollution are destroying precious life forms – forever. We can all work locally to undo the damage and restore the life we can still save in our rivers, creeks and streams. In 2021, eight species of freshwater mussels – reliant on healthy, flowing […] More
It’s been a transformative year for the river and for Riverkeeper. Indian Point nuclear power plant, and the daily damage it caused to the river’s life, are now history. We’re moving toward cleaner sources of energy and bigger efforts to restore essential habitat and heal […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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