Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

NRC-nuclear-waste-meeting-103013-GChambers-iphone-550 (1)
The public spoke out strongly at NRC hearings on the longterm storage of nuclear waste at Indian Point and other U.S. nuclear reactors. More
Rondotu Reservoir
The Rondout Reservoir, one of the sources of drinking water for New York City. Riverkeeper tests the water in the Rondout Creek downstream of the reservoir.
Scenes from water quality sampling on the Rondout Creek on the last day Riverkeeper's citizen partners tested Hudson River tributary waters for the 2013 season. More
Watch this important Indian Point Webinar from October 21, introduced by Riverkeeper Paul Gallay and featuring Hudson River Program Director Phillip Musegaas. Phillip discusses the legal certifications that Indian Point needs to continuing operating, as well as the ongoing NRC relicensing process, nuclear waste storage, […] More
One year after Hurricane Sandy left its wake of destruction in New York City, Riverkeeper gathered a panel of professionals who are engaged in the challenge of building a more resilient city. More
Riverkeeper patrol boat
"R. Ian Fletcher," just off Esopus Island.
Riverkeeper’s patrol vessel, the “R. Ian Fletcher” was captured amid heavy mist in this recent photo taken near Esopus Island. More
The Lower Esopus Creek
Photo courtesy Ulster County
The final consent order dealing with NYC's unauthorized discharges of turbid, muddy water from its Ashokan Reservoir to the Lower Esopus Creek fails to protect homes, businesses or the environment. More
Sawkill/Esopus Confluence
Photo courtesy Ulster County
The New York State Department of Health Released draft revisions to New York City’s Filtration Avoidance Determination (FAD). The document allows NYC to avoid filtering water it collects from watersheds in upstate New York for consumption in the City. It also requires NYC to acquire and preserve land and implement protective regulations in those upstate areas. More
Old Stone Bridge over Catskill Creek in Leeds
The Hamlet of Leeds, on Catskill Creek, will be moving from an old septic system to municipal wastewater treatment. This community has suffered from pathogen pollution in its stretch of Catskill Creek including illegal dumping by a homeowner who did not want to repair and […] More
Less than one day before the government shutdown, EPA Region II staff stood with residents of Brooklyn to reveal the much-awaited cleanup plan for the Gowanus Canal, one of the most contaminated waterbodies in the nation. More
It’s time to start planning for replacing Indian Point’s 2000 megawatts of power. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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