Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Catskill_Old Stone Bridge
Sampling at the Old Stone Bridge in Leeds
Riverkeeper Citizen Sampling now supported by New York State More
About 70 Riverkeeper volunteers, staff and partners joined together Saturday to clean the shoreline at Travic Cove, a gorgeous stretch of shoreline in the City of Peekskill, that will soon be opened to the public with a new pedestrian trail connecting Charles Point and Riverfront […] More
The federal Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently proposed revised oil and gas regulations to cover high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) on public lands, Indian lands, and private lands overlying federal minerals. More
Riverkeeper applauds the New York State Assembly Members who have called on Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens to fully implement the Sewage Pollution Right to Know law. Since the law went into effect this May, the DEC has not been notifying the […] More
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All of us at Riverkeeper are proud to share with you that we’ve been rated by Charity Navigator as a 4-star charity, for the first time since the economic recession. More
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Photo courtesy of John Lipscomb
I came down to the TZB early last Tuesday morning to look at the dredges. Took the chance because I was meeting my mechanic early in Piermont for our annual 2 days at the engine spa. No luck observing the dredge activity. Too dark at […] More
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Why has New York's environmental agency been hit with such deep cuts?
Are political claims that we are balancing economic and environmental interests just feel-good rhetoric. More
Photo courtesy Giles Ashford
We have a new chance to shutter Indian Point—by showing that this destructive, dangerous nuclear power plant is inconsistent with state policies designed to make the best use of the Hudson River and its shoreline. The public has until October 12 to comment on this crucial issue—don’t miss your chance! More
Fracking site in Susquehanna County PA - Photo credit: Misty Duvall
In a surprise decision, New York's highest court announced Thursday that it will hear appeals from fracking proponents who have challenged the municipal fracking bans enacted by the towns of Dryden and Middlefield. More
The headline in Bloomberg News says it all: our latest court case, “Riverkeeper vs. Cuomo” is a “billion-pound manure fight” over the Gov’s decision to eliminate longstanding water protection rules for dairy farms. The Governor’s spokesman tells Bloomberg that the state is simply eliminating “overly […] More