Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

NYS senate
The New York State senate and assembly came together to pass legislation to reduce mercury pollution by requiring manufacturers to take back old thermostats, a major source of mercury-related water and air pollution. Here’s to all those who voted for this bill, led by Senator […] More
Riverkeeper Staff poses with Daniel Alvarez by the Hudson River
Daniel Alvarez visits Riverkeeper, discusses effort to raise awareness for clean water By Sara Moriarty “I’ve only traveled 5,000 miles so far,” says Daniel Alvarez. He is speaking of his 7,000-mile kayak journey- a journey that he is taking with minimum planning and maximum adventure. […] More
Dana poses with the students of the Big Green Bus
By: Sara Moriarty The Big Green Bus is all about being green; it is indeed green in color, and, more importantly, it is green in the environmental sense. This summer marks the ninth year of the student-run Big Green Bus, with 12 Dartmouth students traveling […] More
Last week, the Senate Majority Coalition announced an end of session push to move forward more than a dozen measures aimed at eliminating state rules and regulations based on the unfounded claim that this will somehow spur economic growth. More
There are two Osprey nests on navigation aids in the Estuary that I’m aware of. I assume that the same adult pair comes back each year but I can’t know for sure. It’s so great seeing these birds return each spring. They are so wild […] More
It was another hot day. Swimmers were in the water even after sunset at Little Stony Point. Water quality was good that day, not surprising as only 8% of our samples have failed at this location and the weather had been dry.
Tell Senate leadership – Sens. Jeff Klein and Dean Skelos – to immediately bring the fracking moratorium and hazardous waste bills to a vote, before the Senate goes home on June 21! More
Hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale produces millions of gallons of radioactive waste fluid, which could be sent to Rockland wastewater treatment plants or spread on Rockland roads. Although the future of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) in New York State remains uncertain, drilling in Pennsylvania […] More
Swimmers at Verplanck Point 5-31-13
Swimmers at Verplanck Point
The Riverkeeper patrol boat is on the Hudson conducting water quality testing from NY Harbor to Troy. It takes about 6 days to collect the 74 samples along the 156 mile stretch of the Hudson. Within a few days of the end of the patrol […] More
This is your chance to tell the NRC that public safety, not pleasing the nuclear industry, must come first at Indian Point! More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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