Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Working with Riverkeeper’s Watershed Team, I have often been asked by residents of New York City and the Lower Hudson Valley—people who depend on New York City’s drinking water supply—whether their tap water is safe to drink. More
On May 2, an appeals court decision in the Dryden and Middlefield cases upheld local zoning laws that ban fracking within town borders, finding that such bans do not conflict with New York State’s Oil, Gas, and Solution Mining Law (OGSML). More
Thank you! On Saturday, May 11, more than 1,380 volunteers removed over 36 tons of trash from more than 70 shorelines, and planted 300 trees and shrubs. (UPDATE: The final tallies indicate more than 1,400 volunteers removed over 38 tons of trash!) More
PA residents, Sens.Carlucci, Tkaczyk, Perkins
Recently, I was fortunate to be able to join a tour of high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (fracking) sites and infrastructure in Susquehanna County, PA with several of our partners and NY State Sens. Carlucci, Tkaczyk, and Perkins. More
Photo courtesy Laurie Peek
We began the 2013 season of Riverkeeper/Citizen tributary Enterococcus sampling on 5/4 on Sparkill Creek in Rockland and the Pocantico River in Westchester. More
Great news! As of this month, you must be notified when harmful sewage is discharged to the Hudson River and waterways throughout New York. More
New York City will engage in many conversations about climate change resilience and adaptation in the years to come. But on Staten Island, that conversation is frozen in its tracks and it is business as usual. More
Revelations this week about three of the consulting firms involved in New York State’s ongoing environmental review process assessing high volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) raise serious questions about conflicts of interest and add to the list of fundamental flaws in the review process. More
Call Governor Cuomo today at (866) 584-6799 and tell him that he must keep his promise to protect our health and safety, and wait for the science and facts from critical health studies before making a decision about whether to move forward on fracking! More
Photo courtesy Giles Ashford
Riverkeeper’s fight to protect the magnificent Hudson River and keep New York City’s drinking water safe faced two unprecedented challenges this year: a potentially ruinous plan to bring fracking to New York and the devastating damage to shoreline communities caused by Hurricane Sandy. While there was no shortage of other work, we just knew Riverkeeper needed to “go big” on these two critical issues. More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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