Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

With spring just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about Earth Day, the Riverkeeper Sweep, and how YOU can protect clean water in your community! What: A 30-minute telebriefing for our Volunteers and Ambassadors. Riverkeeper is recruiting volunteers throughout the region for two […] More
On Tuesday, February 19, the Center for Health, Environment and Justice hosted a webinar by Dr. Jerome A. Paulson on the potential health impacts of high-volume hydraulic fracturing (fracking). Dr. Paulson is a Professor of Pediatrics and of Occupational & Environmental Health at George Washington […] More
On Saturday, May 11, 2013, hundreds of volunteers will flock to the shores of the Hudson for the 2nd annual Riverkeeper Sweep. More
Winter Patrol Boat Repairs - 2013
Capt. John Lipscomb describes boat repairs. In the background: Chris Brennan, boat builder, and his 12-year-old dog Tobi.
Riverkeeper's patrol boat, the R. Ian Fletcher, is undergoing extensive maintenance, including the replacing of a section of planks on the boat's bottom. More
frack crowds
Nearly 300,000 comments have been submitted on fracking by increasingly concerned New Yorkers
Riverkeeper applauds Governor Cuomo and Commissioners Shah and Martens for postponing the decision on fracking, as the science and facts of fracking’s human health, environmental, and socioeconomic impacts remain unclear. More
Governor Cuomo is poised to make a crucial decision on fracking without first completing a comprehensive health review. More
DEC Commish Martens Testifies on Fracking
DEC Commissioner Joe Martens 'Takes One for the Team' During Hearing Testimony on Fracking
Fracking is by far the severest test Andrew Cuomo has faced as Governor. In fact, it’s not too much of a stretch to predict that what Cuomo does on fracking will define his term of office. More
NY Health Commissioner Nirav Shah has finally admitted the truth: “We don’t have as much evidence as we need,” on the health impacts of fracking. Ya think? Despite the admitted gaps in New York State’s understanding of how fracking affects public health, state officials […] More
The efforts of hundreds of thousands of activists have held off fracking in New York until now, but that could change this month. More
Just when you thought Indian Point security couldn’t get more laughable, police arrested a second person for stealing scrap metal from the nuclear plant – in this case, a maintenance worker carted off more than $10,000 in copper wiring. More