Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

It's that time of year when we resolve to do good in the new year. In 2012, you helped Riverkeeper accomplish a lot in our efforts to defend the Hudson River and our drinking water. To make 2013 a success, please consider these simple New Year's resolutions. More
Photo on left courtesy Paul Bastin
“How Is the Water?” report details sewage pollution findings in the Hudson and calls for actions to eliminate it More
Annsville Creek Sweep 2012
Photo: Annsville Creek Sweep 2012 by Donna Sharrett.
The Riverkeeper Sweep is an annual day of service for the Hudson River. In 2013, the Riverkeeper Sweep will take place on Saturday, May 11, 2013. More
Hudson River Days Logo
The mission of Hudson River Days is to bring public attention to the river's scenery, ecology and recreational uses, as well as those people and organizations that promote environmental stewardship and restoration, public access and recreation. More
Now's Your Last Chance to Demand an Open, Transparent, and Science-Based Decision on Fracking More
The more you learn about fracking, the less you're going to like it. More
New York officials say the state’s decision on fracking will not be made until after they hear from the three outside experts they’ve hired to help them review fracking’s impact on public health. Do you trust them? Before you answer, consider these facts: Dr. Lynn […] More
Watch the debate live online here. Riverkeeper’s President Paul Gallay will advocate that fracking causes more harm than good at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, November 30, as part of Syracuse University’s Campbell Debates series.  He will be joined by Robert Howarth, Professor of Ecology and […] More
On Monday, University at Buffalo President Satish Tripathi announced the immediate close of the University’s Shale Resources and Society Institute (SRSI), citing the lack of faculty with expertise in fields associated with energy production from shale and its lack of credibility due to its financing […] More
Catskill at dawn. Sea smoke on the River because air is so cold. Deck covered with frost. Mike Aguiar, owner of Riverview marine. Left hand is where water reached during Sandy, considerably higher than during Irene, right hand. All his shops and offices were flooded […] More