Blog articles by Riverkeeper staff and supporters

Dimock Water
This week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will conduct no further testing in Dimock, Pennsylvania, on the basis of its findings that the water in Dimock is largely safe to drink. The EPA results, however, do not refute the fact that Cabot […] More
This morning, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court issued a decision striking down the heart of Pennsylvania Act 13 – the provisions that largely preempted municipalities from zoning gas drilling and related activities – as  unconstitutional, null, void and unenforceable. The court also struck down the provision […] More
We patrolled the Gowanus Canal using an aluminum skiff which we carry aboard our “Mother Ship” patrol boat, the R. Ian Fletcher. The Feds, the EPA, are mandating a massive Superfund cleanup on the Gowanus. NYC and NYC Department of Environmental Protection continue to resist, […] More
We were out this morning helping the DEC fisheries team retrieve data from their hydrophone buoy just south of Hastings. The hydrophone tracks tagged Atlantic Sturgeon and Shad as they enter and exit the River. If you don’t know where the fish are you can’t […] More
Yesterday we had the opportunity to meet up with the 8 Bridges Swim in New York Harbor as they approached their final destination at the Verrazano.   Now in its second year, the 8 Bridges Swim ran for a week from the Rip Van Winkle Bridge near Catskill […] More
On July 1, Earthjustice Managing Attorney Deborah Goldberg joined Kate Hudson of Riverkeeper in going head to head with fracking proponents, New York Times columnist Joe Nocera and former Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Susan Tierney, in a nationally broadcasted event presented by Intelligence Squared in partnership with the Aspen Ideas Festival. More
The gas industry resorted to pointing fingers and invoking bogeymen yesterday, claiming that the environmentalists are guilty of manufacturing falsehoods and half-truths about drilling for resources.  ExxonMobil’s CEO blamed the press for producing scare stories without checking their facts, and he blamed the advocacy groups for […] More
Policymakers should be equally as concerned about wastewater spills and disposal issues related to shale gas extraction as they are about the possibility of groundwater contamination from fracking fluids according to a new report by Pacific Institute released last week. More
albany rally jun 20 2012
Today, almost one hundred organizations and professionals, stand together to oppose the plan that was leaked to The New York Times last week, which would establish a demonstration program for high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” in parts of Broome, Chemung, Chenango, Steuben and Tioga counties. […] More
In case you needed a reminder of how truly wild the Hudson is, here are several pictures of a young Black Bear crossing Rondout Creek.  I’ve only seen this once before and that was down near “Bear” Mountain.   “G’day boys, how are the fish […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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