Call EPA: Don't shut down the PCBs cleanup
February 1, 2018
Riverkeeper Team
It’s now or never. A decision on the future of GE’s PCBs cleanup is right around the corner. EPA Region 2 is listening. Join your neighbors and urge the new Regional Administrator Pete Lopez to act for a #HealthyHudson.
Mr. Lopez has the power to ensure that the final decision reflects the reality that GE’s cleanup to date is not protective of human health and the environment. It’s time for EPA to hold GE accountable for the health of our river and communities.
Call EPA now: 929-325-2094
Enter your phone number and we'll connect you:
You'll be directed to Regional Administrator Lopez's voicemail and will have 1 minute to leave a message. After you leave your message you will receive a text from Riverkeeper, please reply "RIVER" or sign up here to join our new mobile community.
Tell Regional Administrator Lopez:
1) Why the Hudson is important to you and your community;
2) that more cleanup of PCBs is necessary;
3) and that a Lower Hudson remedial investigation & feasibility study is needed
Learn more: riverkeeper.org/pcbs