Riverkeeper Blogs

On April 6, 2018, nearly two years after the City of Newburgh’s drinking water crisis came to public attention, the 105th Airlift Wing of the New York Air National Guard awarded a $82,355 contract for a carbon filtration system to remove PFOS from its wastewater. […] More
As we get ready to clear another 25 tons or so of trash from the shorelines in the May 5 Riverkeeper Sweep, we're continuing to support year-round efforts to reduce plastic use. More
Hudson River gets a boost in NYS budget
New York State leaders have finalized the next state budget. Here are some of the highlights. Thank you to all Riverkeeper members, supporters and partners who helped us advocate for these important priorities: Clean Water Infrastructure Act Riverkeeper thanks Governor Cuomo and the Legislature for maintaining […] More
At the annual Rondout Creek Watershed Summit, which Riverkeeper convened in collaboration with local partners, we presented some initial analysis of wastewater infrastructure needs in the watershed. Riverkeeper is working on a water quality and infrastructure report for the Rondout-Wallkill watershed, the largest tributary to […] More
What uses of the Rondout Creek are most important to you? What issues facing the Rondout Creek matter most to you? Those are the questions that Riverkeeper, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater and the Hudson River Watershed Alliance asked of community scientists, conservation board members, farmers, […] More
New research supported by Riverkeeper highlights the large numbers of pharmaceuticals found in the Hudson River, and identifies the wastewater treatment plants that process our sewage as the most important sources. At least 90 municipal wastewater treatment plants discharge to the Hudson River or its […] More
In a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo sent yesterday, waterkeepers across New York State requested increases to staffing in the Department of Environmental Conservation. Riverkeeper and seven fellow waterkeepers called for Gov. Cuomo to build on his legacy of leadership on clean water issues, exemplified […] More
A sample of water from the Wallkill River taken in 2016, during a Harmful Algal Bloom. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
Riverkeeper’s Water Quality Program recently wrapped up an intensive sampling of part of the Wallkill River for key indicators related to Harmful Algal Blooms. The good news: Unlike in 2015 and 2016, there was no Harmful Algal Bloom documented in 2017. The better news: We […] More
UPDATED 10/10/2017 with Mohawk River projects Communities seeking to invest in projects to improve water quality in the Hudson River and its tributaries will get a boost from the first round of grants announced since New York State’s historic $2.5 billion investment in clean water. […] More
Rondout Creek
The Rondout Creek, as seen in October 2017 outside Riverkeeper's office at the Hudson River Maritime Museum. (Photo by Dan Shapley / Riverkeeper)
There’s promising news out of Ulster County today, with County Executive Mike Hein’s proposal to expand testing of private wells and bring new focus to water quality issues throughout the county. In Ulster County, Riverkeeper has long advocated for protection and restoration of the Lower […] More

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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