Riverkeeper will continue to monitor any new proposals in our region – and we are prepared to advocate for the rights of nature, our waters and any impacted communities.
Video loading...What is ‘pumped storage’?
Pumped storage is one method of storing electricity for later use – and the need for energy storage will grow with the expansion of renewable energy. It works by storing water at a higher elevation, and then releasing the water when needed to power hydro turbines located below the upper reservoir. Pumped storage is not a replacement for power plants, such as Indian Point nuclear plant, since it only increases capacity to store energy, rather than adding more energy to the grid. While there is currently a large demand for energy storage solutions, pumped storage is a flawed solution that uses more power than it stores, is expensive, and damages the area’s ecology with the rapid changes in water level in the upper reservoir.
What is the Ashokan Pumped Storage Facility proposal?
Premium Energy Holdings submitted a preliminary permit application to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for a proposed Ashokan Pumped Storage Facility. It plans to leverage the Ashokan Reservoir – one of the most important parts of New York City’s drinking water supply – as the lower basin, and construct a new upper reservoir at one of three sites – Stony Clove, Woodland Valley, and Wittenberg – to be acquired through eminent domain.
The new reservoir would be connected to the Ashokan Reservoir’s west basin via an underground tunnel.
What are the problems with this proposal?
The project is proposed within the Catskills Forest Preserve, with impacts on formally protected and ecologically valuable land. The U.S. Department of Energy itself has recognized that development on such lands should be avoided.
How can I be involved?
The project is currently in its pre-filing stage, soliciting comments from the public. If it proceeds, the developer would take years to conduct studies and prepare its project application. Let's stop this from going any further.