Riverkeeper Blogs

Jack up boat off Palisades across from Croton Point. Presumably drilling for core samples related to either Champlain Express or West Point power cable projects. Both are using the Hudson as a conduit for electrical power cables for NYC. How much must the River give […] More
On 11/2/12, four days after Sandy, we sampled at the entrance of the Gowanus Canal at the Hamilton Av Bridge and found Enterococcus counts >24,196 per 100ml. The water was grey. The Federal guideline threshold for primary contact is 104 Entero per 100ml. On 11/8/12, […] More
During high tide during Sandy a great deal of trash was blown by SE wind into fence along the west side of the entrance to Dutch Kill off Newtown Creek (across from “Nature Walk”). All this material remains stranded above wall but will become re-suspended […] More
May you never be weakened or dismantled More
One of our fellow River-loving friends sent us these pictures of a squirrel she came across while kayaking.  She paddled over to it and it climbed aboard for a free ride ashore! More
This post is from 9/19: Yesterday, I spent late afternoon and night during storm on Rondout in Kingston, best trib during potential flood events. This morning I ran back up to get a water sample on tidal Esopus Creek because our community partners sampled up […] More

Winning the Debate on Fracking

Sewage spills bring fines, fix-up plan

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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