Riverkeeper Blogs

Lots of changes since we last updated you. All six planks around sheer are off. We’ll be able to repair and salvage all planks most likely. Great because that will save money and time for the nasty surprises we have turned up. Top two planks […] More
Winter repairs: end of third week Continue removing sheer strake – three sections per side.  Some problems found this week. We expected this – otherwise why take off the planks – still, painful. No euphoria this week. Chris cutting nails driven down through the plywood deck into sheer […] More
Guard rails are off. Next step: white oak sheer strakes (top plank all round) need to come off – to repair or replace them. Depends on whether they are rotted or not – salvageable or not. Fasteners are big –  4 ½” x ¼”  galvanized nails and 3/8” […] More

What’s Next on the Fracking Front?

Don't Frack T-shirt
Thank you all for your active participation in our Don’t Frack community. Your involvement and support enables us to keep standing up to the companies that want to frack with the best drinking water in the world. As you know, Governor Paterson’s Executive Order creates […] More
Thanks to your support and that of thousands of New Yorkers, the NYS Assembly has passed the moratorium that will place a timeout on gas drilling by suspending the issuance of permits to fracture wells until May 15, 2011. The bill was passed with an […] More
Terrace Bagels
Folks in New York City who wonder how fracking upstate would affect them only need to talk to your favorite bakers, brewers and baristas. New York's clean, unfiltered tap water is considered some of the best in the world - so good it's considered the "secret ingredient" of many of our favorite things to eat and drink. More
Pennsylvania and West Virginia, with which New York shares the Marcellus Shale deposit, have been quicker to embrace fracking than New York (so far). Tragic stories coming out of communities there are a possible preview of what’s to come for our state if fracking isn’t […] More

NY toughens rules on gas drilling in watersheds

NY ruling sets back gas drilling in watersheds

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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