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Riverkeeper: Sewage Reporting Law Serves Public Health and Planning

As of May 1st the Sewage Pollution Right to Know (SPRTK) Law, which Riverkeeper was instrumental in getting passed last year, is now in effect across New York State. This law requires public notification when raw and unpermitted partially-treated sewage is discharged into our waterways.

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Victory in New York: Municipalities’ “Home Rule” authority to prohibit fracking in their communities is confirmed

The state Appellate Division announced its decision today that local governments in New York can ban hydraulic fracturing and shale gas drilling within their borders, ruling unanimously in favor of the Tompkins County town of Dryden and the Otsego County town of Middlefield.

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Riverkeeper Submits Comments on Cleanup of Gowanus Canal

Supports EPA’s proposed plan that includes reduction of CSOs

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As Another Year of Dredging PCBs from the Hudson Begins, Groups Call on GE Not to Leave Behind Massive Toxic Hot Spots

As the cleanup of PCBs in the Hudson River begins its fourth year, environmental groups – Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Riverkeeper, and Scenic Hudson – continue to watch General Electric (GE) closely to ensure that the river remains on target to be restored to a cleaner state as soon as possible.

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Government Watchdog and Environmental Groups Join Call to Scrap the SGEIS

New Review Shows Further Revelations of Additional Disturbing Conflicts of Interest

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Environmental Coalition Responds to State Deregulation of Industrial Dairy Farms

Environmental Coalition Responds to State Deregulation of Industrial Dairy Farms

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Riverkeeper Sweep Expands to More than 60 Shoreline Cleanups

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Online volunteer registration opens for 2nd annual day of service for the Hudson, Sat., May 11, 2013

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Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement with Environmental Groups on Support for New NY Bridge

DEC Issues Permits Outlining Extensive Environmental Protections and Mitigation During Construction

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The Future of Indian Point on Second Anniversary of Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi

As we recall the tragic nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi two years ago, Riverkeeper continues its work on many different fronts to prevent the impact of a similar disaster from unfolding at the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

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Riverkeeper Comments on State Permit for New Tappan Zee Bridge

Riverkeeper submitted comments on a critical state permit needed for the proposed Tappan Zee Bridge project, laying out specific ways to strengthen the permit to minimize impacts to the Hudson River and ensure mitigation funding to offset unavoidable impacts if the bridge goes forward.

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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