Double Your Gift to Riverkeeper's Annual Fund
November 24, 2012
Riverkeeper Team
Dear Friends,
Do you love the Hudson River? Are you thankful for clean drinking water? Then this is hands-down the best time to make a donation in support of Riverkeeper, the organization that protects both.
Today, Riverkeeper kicks off our annual fund drive with an exciting announcement: Our Board of Directors and Junior Council will match every dollar you donate by Dec. 31—up to $100,000!
Please help us earn every matching dollar available by making a donation online today.
As Charity Navigator has certified—and 46 years of victories against hundreds of polluters can attest—every dollar you donate goes to clean our River, protect our fish and maintain the quality of our drinking water. For instance, your donation of $15 per month – $180 per year – will cover the cost of water quality samples at one of 74 Hudson River communities we test monthly.
Paul Gallay
President and Hudson Riverkeeper
P.S. Tell a friend about this campaign and help us with our work protecting these vital resources.