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Enviros criticize NY Gov’s veto of a bill to further protect streams

Riverkeeper’s President Is Stepping Down In 2021

Statement on Governor Cuomo’s veto of bill to protect 41,000 miles of NY’s headwater streams and creeks

OSSINING, NY — Governor Andrew Cuomo has vetoed legislation that will extend the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Protection of Waters Program to class C streams intended to provide oversight to projects which may disturb stream banks or beds. Class AA, A, B and C trout streams already require permits for covered activities. Riverkeeper and our partner organizations have documented waterways across the Hudson River Estuary and New York that are misclassified, leaving our drinking water sources vulnerable to pollution. For example, Peekskill’s water supply source, Peekskill Hollow Brook, is misclassified […]

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A Leg Up for River Fish

Gallay to step down as Riverkeeper


Riverkeeper Approves A New Strategic Plan And Its President Will Step Down

Riverkeeper’s statement on NRC’s approval of Indian Point’s sale to Holtec International

OSSINING, N.Y. — Riverkeeper is extremely troubled that the NRC has announced its imminent approval for the sale of the Indian Point Energy Center to Holtec International without addressing its contention, and the numerous serious concerns raised by local, state, and other interested groups. This approval puts the public at risk by transferring responsibility for Indian Point’s decommissioning to a company that lacks integrity, experience, and financial stability. Since the NRC has once again neglected its responsibility to properly scrutinize Holtec’s qualifications, Riverkeeper calls upon New York State to step in to […]

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff approves Indian Point sale to Holtec

Sale Approved of NYC-Area Nuclear Power Plant That Is Set to Be Dismantled