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Swimming the Lordly Hudson, All 315 Miles of It

Calling for Changes to the Plans for Storm Surge Prevention

NY passes ban on dumping radioactive waste in Hudson River

Plan to discharge water into Hudson River from closed nuclear plant sparks uproar

Riverkeeper celebrates bipartisan Assembly passage of bill to stop radioactive wastewater discharges into the Hudson River; Governor Hochul must sign

Riverkeeper celebrates the Assembly taking the final legislative step after the unanimous bipartisan Senate passage of crucial legislation aimed at safeguarding the economic vitality of the Hudson River from the imminent threat of radioactive wastewater discharge at Indian Point by Holtec.

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Environmentalists try again to strengthen stream protections

Riverkeeper urges NY Assembly to stop radioactive wastewater discharge from Indian Point

Riverkeeper, the leading environmental organization dedicated to protecting the Hudson River, applauds the unanimous bipartisan Senate passage of crucial legislation aimed at safeguarding the economic vitality of the Hudson River from the imminent threat of radioactive wastewater discharge at Indian Point by Holtec International.

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New York Assembly passes crucial legislation to protect state’s streams

A coalition of prominent environmental organizations celebrates the passage of a critical bill to expand New York State’s protections for small streams, on the heels of a damaging Supreme Court decision that diminished the reach of the Clean Water Act

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Wind power brings business to the Hudson River, but can the waters handle it?

GE to Sample PCB Levels in Lower Hudson

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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