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Crude Oil Transport

The River and her People vs. Big Oil

We’re northbound at Esopus Island, near Norrie Point, three days into our patrol and sampling of the Estuary. Carol Knudson (Columbia / Lamont Doherty) took a swim to cool off as the Afrodite passed southbound carrying 7 to 8 million gallons of crude oil from North Dakota, bound for New Brunswick, Canada. The tanker will make the round trip in about eight days with another load. The shipper, and New York State, and the U.S. Coast Guard have NO adequate spill recovery plan – none of the responses to Bakken […]

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Letters to editor: Hauling Crude Oil Risky Along Hudson

Bill to make oil shippers, terminals prove cleanup cash heads to the wire at Capitol

Cleaning Up the Hudson

Environmental groups appeal provisions of DOT crude oil rule

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State creating oil train response plans for 21 counties

Governments move to enhance safety of crude-oil and passenger trains

Preparing for the worst: New York State amps up crude oil spill response

Crude spill react plan: State proposes response network, more testing of the air at Port of Albany

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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