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Crude Oil Transport

Riverkeeper Responds to Decision Regarding Albany Oil Terminal Expansion

Riverkeeper applauds the decision by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation regarding the proposed expansion of Global Companies' rail-to-barge transfer terminal at in Albany, which would facilitate the transport of heavy "tar sands" crude oil.

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Obama Administration Sued for “Weak” Oil Rail Car Standards by Environmental Conservation Groups

Environmental group sues DOT over oil train rules

Riverkeeper sues DOT over critically flawed crude-by-rail standards

Riverkeeper is challenging new U.S. Department of Transportation crude-by-rail standards in federal court, saying that they fail to protect the public and the environment from proven threats.

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Oil shipped by rail another safety concern

DOT delivers industry wish list on bomb trains

CR: Jennifer Willis
The final rule from the U.S. Department of Transportation on crude oil trains— more than two years in the making — fails to address critical safety risks associated with the crude oil crisis. This rule will place communities nationwide in harm’s way for nearly a decade to come. The latest regulations continue a disturbing trend — pitting local communities against the multi-billion dollar oil & gas lobby.

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National, Local Officials Call for Ban on Crude Oil Train Shipments

Lowey: Ban explosive crude from rail

Schumer urges tougher oil train safety rules

Riverkeeper responds to Sen. Charles Schumer’s proposal on crude oil train safety

For Immediate Release: May 4, 2015 Contact: Leah Rae, Riverkeeper 914-478-4501, Ext. 238 “Sen. Schumer is right to demand faster, stronger action to address the imminent danger from crude oil trains that run straight through our towns daily and along our rivers daily,” Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay said. “We should not have to wait five or 10 years for what’s urgently and clearly needed: to get accident-prone rail cars, clearly prone to disastrous spills and explosions, off the tracks.” “The feds have acknowledged these accidents will continue – at a […]

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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