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Crude Oil Transport

Enviro Groups Call DOT’s Oil Train Speed Limit ‘Toothless’

Video: ‘A Danger on Rails’

Response to Department of Transportation’s Toothless Emergency Order Regarding “Bomb Trains”

For Immediate Release: April 17, 2015 Contact:Cliff Weathers, Communications Director, Riverkeeper 914-478-4501, Ext. 239 Matt Krogh, Director, Extreme Oil Campaign, ForestEthics 360-734-2951 Riverkeeper and ForestEthics Respond to Department of Transportation’s Toothless Emergency Order Regarding “Bomb Trains” Advocacy groups call on the DOT to do much more to prevent oil-by-rail disasters. OSSINING, NY— The Department of Transportation just issued an emergency order requiring trains transporting certain types of crude oil to slow down to 40 mph in certain agency-defined large urban areas. The speed limit in the emergency order is less […]

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Riverkeeper Earth Day Talk on Rockland County “Bomb” Trains

No more waiting, protect our river from a crude disaster

Crude oil transport via rail has increased by 4,000 percent in the United States over the past six years, with rail shipments of Bakken crude oil from North Dakota to New York increasing to approximately 20 percent of the total output from the region (view the dramatic increase via these graphics from the EIA). Learn more about what Riverkeeper is doing Much of this oil is transported in dangerously outdated tank cars that ride over dilapidated rail bridges and tracks, which receive very little government or industry oversight. Additionally, barges […]

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Local communities joining Riverkeeper’s call for crude transport safety

Resolutions slide- jeremy
Local governments and citizens in the Hudson Valley are speaking out against the reckless transport of crude oil through our communities by passing local resolutions. Most recently: Dutchess County passed local resolution on Monday, April 13 Putnam County passed a resolution Tuesday, April 7. We thank local officials in both counties for taking a strong stance on behalf of their constituents. Riverkeeper is assisting such actions by presenting facts about the risks posed by this industry and the steps needed to protect our river and environment. Learn more, “No more […]

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Editorial: Urgency on rail safety can’t move bureaucracy

Talk on Transport of Crude Oil April 9

Action urged on ‘bomb trains’

Green Groups press for $100 million state Oil Spill Fund

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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