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Crude Oil Transport

State agencies submit comments to feds on improving oil train safety

Proposed oil pipeline could pass through Rockland

Biz: Oil train phaseout too aggressive

Oil shipment rules come under fire

Fracked Oil Bomb Trains at Center of Federal Rules Debate

Riverkeeper and Scenic Hudson Submit Comments Calling on DOT to Enact Immediate, Comprehensive Changes to Crude Oil Rail Shipping Regulations

New draft regulations allow dangerous DOT-111 cars to remain on the rails for shipment of heavy tar sands crude and do not go far enough, fast enough, to protect the Hudson River and local communities.

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NY DEC Extends Oil Train Public Comment Period

Oil and Water on the Hudson River

Crude oil transport risks to be discussed at Marist

Oil-hauling ‘bomb trains’ focus of Rockland forum

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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