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Crude Oil Transport

DOT Action Fails to Fully Address Grave Risks of Shipping Explosive Crude through Communities and Along the Hudson River

“The announcement by DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx that the agency has issued an emergency order requiring railroads to notify state emergency management officials before moving large shipments of crude oil through their states, and urging railroads not to use older DOT-111 cars...

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Oil shipping near Hudson River worries residents

Editorial: Another oil explosion shows need for action

Lynchburg, Va., oil train derailment illustrates threat to rivers

Plan for safer crude trains may not extend locally

Enviro groups call for emergency action to take crude oil rail cars off the tracks

Governor Requests Federal Action On Crude Oil Rail Transport

Cuomo’s call for rail safety underscored by fiery Va. derailment

Enviro Groups Call for Emergency Action to Halt Crude Oil Trains in Light of Today’s Accident in Virginia

The Natural Resources Defense Council, Riverkeeper and Scenic Hudson praised Governor Cuomo for issuing today a comprehensive set of steps that could lead to greater safety on a huge volume of crude oil transport through the Hudson Valley.

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Public discussion May 5 on crude oil shipments

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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