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Safeguard Drinking Water

Riverkeeper: What EPA really said about fracking’s potential to harm our drinking water resources

New York's clean water advocate says EPA’s report provides support for the State of New York to ban fracking.

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Time to Close New York’s Fracking Waste Loophole

Despite the recent historic ban on high-volume fracking, New York still has a fracking waste problem. More than 510,000 tons and 23,000 barrels – and counting – of waste from oil and gas extraction operations in neighboring Pennsylvania have been shipped to New York landfills for disposal. Leachate from those landfills is then sent to nearby wastewater treatment facilities. And New York State continues to allow the use of certain kinds of waste from low-volume oil and gas extraction on our roads for de-icing and dust control. Fracking waste can […]

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Take Action: Urge Your State Representative to Close the Hazardous Waste Loophole

We need your help to end the loophole that allows the oil and gas industry to avoid hazardous waste requirements! The oil and gas industry currently enjoys a special exemption from New York State requirements governing the treatment of hazardous waste. Even though waste from oil and gas operations – including extraction using hydraulic fracturing (fracking) – can contain hazardous contaminants, it is categorically excluded from hazardous waste treatment, storage, transportation, and disposal requirements due to a loophole in state law. More than 500,000 tons and 23,000 barrels of fracking […]

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Take Action: Tell FERC the Atlantic Bridge Pipeline Project Requires a Comprehensive Environmental Review

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has begun environmental review for the Atlantic Bridge Project and is requesting input regarding the scope of that review. The Atlantic Bridge Project is the second planned expansion of the Algonquin natural gas pipeline system, following the Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) Project. We need your help to urge FERC to conduct a comprehensive environmental review. The Atlantic Bridge Project spans New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. It would entail an additional five miles of construction in New York, including four miles within the watershed supplying […]

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The Fracking End-Game Begins

The Final Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (“SGEIS”) on High-Volume Hydraulic Fracturing (“HVHF”) is a document to be celebrated. It contains the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation’s (“DEC”) finding that “there is currently insufficient scientific information to conclude that [HVHF] can be undertaken without posing unreasonable risk to public health.” Therefore, DEC will grant exactly what fracking activists have called for: a formal, legal prohibition on HVHF in New York. The bulk of the Final SGEIS contains an analysis of the potential adverse environmental impacts of permitting HVHF […]

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Fracking fight almost over: NY is one step closer to a ban on fracking

Riverkeeper’s statement on the environmental review that lays the groundwork for NY’s fracking ban

The Cuomo administration's Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) just released its long anticipated environmental review that lays the groundwork for ban of hydraulic fracturing or “fracking” for natural gas in New York.

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Rockland Grassroots Group To Receive EPA Award

Rockland Water Coalition to receive EPA award

Rockland Water Coalition to receive the EPA’s highest honor

Grassroots group that successfully opposed United Water’s plans to build a desalination plant on the Hudson River will be honored at April 24 ceremony

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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