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Safeguard Drinking Water

Oil and gas drilling waste is being spread over New York roads as de-icer

Fracking waste prevents icy roads, but pollutes waterways

Riverkeeper Raises Concern Over Fracking Waste As De-Icer For NY Roads

Riverkeeper calls on state to ban use of fracking fluids on roads

Protecting the Valley: Waterborne pathogens in reservoirs a concern

Riverkeeper backs state Sen. Terry Gipson’s bill to ban fracking fluid on roads in New York state

Environmental group warns of fracking waste on NY roads

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation defends decision to review muddy releases from Ashokan Reservoir separately from filtration waiver

Riverkeeper Applauds Increased Funding for Land Acquisition, Flood Protection, but Identifies Key Omissions in Department of Health’s Revised Filtration Avoidance Determination

In submitting comments on the Department of Health’s (DOH) draft revisions to the 2007 Filtration Avoidance Determination (FAD) for New York City (NYC) drinking water, Riverkeeper recognizes significant improvements while calling for DOH to address several major deficiencies, including the need to evaluate alternatives to the Catskill turbidity control program.

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Enviro groups call out Cox, praise Cuomo’s go-slow approach

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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