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Safeguard Drinking Water

NYS DEC cuts complicate fracking picture

Environmental coalition claims fracking rules leave New Yorkers ‘unprotected’

Environmental Coalition Says Fracking Rules Leave New Yorkers Unprotected

In official comments, call on state to complete review of environmental and health impacts before finalizing regulations

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Debate on Controversial Natural Gas Drilling Technique as New York Moratorium May Expire

Is Fracking Safe? Democracy Now! Hosts Debate on Controversial Natural Gas Drilling Technique As NY Moratorium May Expire


What the frack? Gov, you must watch ‘Promised Land’ before it’s too late

Eco-group hails Westchester County for fracking wastewater ban

Groups Call on Cuomo Administration to Open Up Health Review to the Public

A coalition of New York State’s leading environmental and good-government groups today called on state officials to publicly release the details of a health review of proposed fracking that is currently underway.

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Westchester County Legislators Praised For Unanimously Voting to Ban Radioactive Fracking Waste

Contact: Ellen Weininger, Grassroots Environmental Education (914) 422-3141 Susan Van Dolsen, Westchester For Change (914) 525-8886 Suzannah Glidden, Croton Watershed Clean Water Coalition (914) 234-6470 County Ban Prohibits Road-Spreading, Processing or Dumping of Toxic Waste from Gas Drilling (White Plains, NY) – A coalition of health and environmental groups gathered in White Plains today to congratulate the Westchester County Board of Legislators for unanimously voting to prohibit the sale, application and disposal of waste products from natural gas drilling anywhere in the county. The new law, which applies to all […]

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