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Safeguard Drinking Water

Fracking will not mean US energy independence

“What the Frack” with Alec Baldwin Brings Out Several Hundred Anti-fracking Activists and Central New York State Residents

Alec Baldwin Attends “Gasland” Screening at the Landmark Theatre

Answering the “Call” on Clean Water

Riverkeeper Supports NYS Senate’s Proposed Hydrofracking Legislation

Testifies that legislative action on hydrofracking is urgently needed Riverkeeper testified in Albany today at the Senate Democratic Conference Public Forum on Hydraulic Fracturing along with our partner organizations and fellow advocates. Riverkeeper urged swift legislative action to address the substantial flaws in the state’s hydrofracking proposal and to end significant gas industry exemptions that exist in the state’s regulations. Specifically, Kate Hudson, Watershed Program Director for Riverkeeper, testified about the urgent need for: a health impact assessment on hydrofracking; closure of a regulatory loophole that currently excludes the gas […]

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Upstate vs. Downstate: A Slow Boil Over Water Issues

Groups Urge NYS Senate and Governor to Include Health Impact Assessment on Fracking in Budget

A coalition of environmental groups and medical professionals are calling on Governor Cuomo and the NYS Legislature to honor his promise of putting science before politics by mandating and funding a health impact assessment on hydrofracking in the NYS Budget for 2012-2013.

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Frackers and Environmentalists Square Off

Face-off over fracking

(ECO:nomics) ‘Snake Oil’ Vs. ‘Environmental Nonsense’

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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