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Safeguard Drinking Water

Water Test Results Prove Fracking Contamination In Dimock

Dimock families and advocacy groups called today on EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to compel the state of Pennsylvania to provide replacement water to the residents after the Environmental Protection Agency’s own preliminary water test results show their water was contaminated from nearby gas drilling. Controversy has surfaced over EPA Region 3’s initial pronouncements that the water poses no immediate health threat.

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s March 7, 2012 Statement Regarding Hydraulic Fracturing

Thank you to the many New Yorkers that have shared your concerns regarding hydraulic fracturing (fracking) with me. I am inspired by the passionate response I have seen in New York and around the country to protect our environment against irresponsible shale gas development.

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Hein to NYC: Get offa my Facebook page

Screening Of Gasland In Yonkers

City urges protection of aqueducts from frack-induced earthquakes

New Yorkers Chalk Up 2nd Victory in David v. Goliath Fracking Fight

In response to today's ruling by Justice Donald F. Cerio, Jr. for the Otsego County Supreme Court, the New York Water Rangers released the following statement

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NY Water Rangers Applaud Court Ruling to Uphold Dryden Fracking Ban

In response to the ruling by state Supreme Court Justice Phillip Rumsey, the New York Water Rangers released the following statement:

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Riverkeeper Responds to DEC’s Rush to Finalize Fracking Proposal by Spring

Photos (L to R): Jessica Riehl,, Jessica Riehl
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has made it clear it intends to issue a finalized Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) this spring, which means that fracking could move forward under the state’s flawed proposal as early as this summer.

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New Water Withdrawal Law Goes into Effect

Last summer, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed New York’s first-ever uniform water use management legislation, closing the loophole that long allowed high-volume water withdrawers to pump large amounts of water out of New York’s water bodies without regard for protections to natural resources and aquatic life.

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Riverkeeper to Release Report, Claims Indian Point Threatens Drinking Water; Kane Resigns

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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