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Safeguard Drinking Water

Landowners decry latest delay in NY fracking regs

10 Major Flaws With New York’s Fracking Plan

The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is responsible for fully evaluating fracking’s potential impacts to public health and the environment, but its draft environmental impact statement and proposed regulations do not protect New Yorker’s environment, health, and drinking water.

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President of Riverkeeper and Allies to Battle Pro-Drillers at “Fracking” Debate in Nyack

Riverkeeper’s Remarks at the NYC Fracking Rally

"I’ve been an environmental advocate for twenty-five years and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger danger to human health, air and water, or community character than the one we now face from fracking," Paul Gallay, President and Hudson Riverkeeper, said at the Nov. 30 rally coinciding with New York's public hearing on fracking in New York City.

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Road to Trenton: The story of fracking in the Delaware River Basin

Environmental groups rally against fracking in Delaware River Watershed

A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] A Victory in the Fight Against Fracking! Riverkeeper responds to DRBC cancellation of gas drilling vote Ossining, NY – November 18, 2011– The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has postponed indefinitely a meeting originally scheduled for Monday, November 21 to vote on its proposed gas drilling regulations, which would open up the Delaware River Basin for drilling. The announcement came on the heels of a letter sent by Delaware Governor Jack Markell, released late November 17, that he would vote no to […]

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We are on the road to victory! Delaware River Basin Commission Cancels Fracking Vote!

Thanks to all of your great efforts, the state of Delaware announced yesterday that it will vote “no” to DRBC’s proposed gas drilling regulations, which would allow fracking to go forward in the Delaware River Basin. As a result of Delaware’s commitment, DRBC has postponed the vote and set no new vote date!

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Groups Protest Delaware River Basin Commission

Organizations from throughout the Delaware River Watershed cried “foul” today because the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) issued what it termed as “modified” natural gas development regulations on November 8, 2011 without any opportunity for public comment, input, or testimony concerning the changes to the draft regulations (

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DEC’s Environmental Impact Statement on Hydrofracking Fundamentally Flawed

For Immediate Release Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] DEC’s Environmental Impact Statement on Hydrofracking Fundamentally Flawed Riverkeeper calls for DEC to redo socioeconomic impact analysis in its SGEIS to include public costs of fracking, extend public comment period Ossining, NY – November 8, 2011 — Riverkeeper announced today that it has submitted a letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) calling attention to the agency’s failure to quantify any negative socioeconomic impacts associated with fracking in its draft supplemental generic impact statement (SGEIS). Riverkeeper is urging […]

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