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Safeguard Drinking Water

Preventing Dairy Farm Manure from Polluting Our State’s Waters

Photo: CC, US Department of Agriculture
Rampant agricultural discharges are contaminating waters across the state. New York is the third largest milk production state with roughly 620,000 cows, each of which is estimated to produce 120 pounds of liquid manure per day.

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Riverkeeper Statement Regarding Dimock Fracking Lawsuit Outcome

Two Pennsylvania couples were awarded $4.24 million on Monday by a federal jury, which found Cabot Oil & Gas responsible for contaminating their well water with high levels of methane. Cabot Oil had drilled two natural gas "fracking" wells near their homes.

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Pa. Families Win $4.24M Verdict In Cabot Fracking Trial

DEC’s handling of water withdrawal regs criticized

Newburgh to spend $39 million to reduce Hudson discharges

Saw Kill Watershed Community Holds 1st Community Meeting

RFK Jr. Says Wording Of TransCanada Lawsuit Sets Dangerous Precedent

Can We Protect Our Drinking Water from Lead Contamination?

PSC Makes Right Decision on Desalination Plant

HUDSON VALLEY—Scenic Hudson and Riverkeeper commend the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) for its decision today to halt an unnecessary, costly and environmentally damaging desalination plant proposed for Haverstraw, Rockland County. The project proponent, Suez NY (formerly United Water New York), will now be legally required to devise more sustainable ways to manage Rockland County’s water supply.

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A Big Victory For Water Democracy in Rockland County!

By a unanimous vote, the NYS Public Service Commission decided to abandon Suez’s controversial plan to tap, treat and desalinate Hudson River water and pipe it to Rockland County homes and businesses.

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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