Riverkeeper Instrumental in Settling Landmark Oil Spill Suit in Brooklyn
November 17, 2010
- ExxonMobil is required to identify and comprehensively clean up petroleum contamination at its Greenpoint facility and in the surrounding community. This requirement includes “free product” (oil floating on top of the water table), contaminated groundwater, soil and soil vapors.
- The investigation and cleanup will be overseen by the New York Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Attorney General’s office.
- The Decree contains enforceable schedules and performance benchmarks by which state officials, Riverkeeper and the public can measure Exxon’s progress in the cleanup. Failure to meet important milestones and deadlines will result in Exxon having to pay significant stipulated penalties to the State.
- Riverkeeper’s role in the settlement requires Exxon to provide Riverkeeper with copies of all of Exxon’s draft and final remedial proposals and other submissions to the DEC. Riverkeeper will also have the right to comment upon Exxon’s submissions before preliminary determinations are made by DEC’s environmental remediation staff. If Riverkeeper has concerns about Exxon’s compliance with the Decree or the State’s oversight of the cleanup, it will have the right to raise such concerns with the federal court. Riverkeeper will also meet at least annually with DEC to review the progress of the cleanup.
- ExxonMobil will establish a $19.5 million Environmental Benefit Projects fund to pay for projects that will benefit the Greenpoint, Brooklyn community directly. Under the Decree, a community consultant will gather local public input on the types of projects to be funded, with a focus on reducing air and water pollution, “greening” the community with parks and better public access to Newtown Creek, and environmental restoration and education.
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