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Contaminated Sites

Riverkeeper Applauds Dredging of Hudson PCBs and Calls on EPA to Ensure Full Cleanup

May 14, 2009 (Tarrytown, N.Y.) – The long delayed clean-up of the Hudson River PCBs is scheduled to begin tomorrow morning. While Riverkeeper salutes the commencement of the dredging, it is calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to make sure the entire clean-up occurs and that it is thorough.

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Riverkeeper Backs Efforts to Put Newtown Creek on Superfund List

On March 20, Riverkeeper joined The Center for Health, Environment & Justice, Newtown Creek Alliance, Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (D-NY), Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY), and Councilman Eric Gioia at Newtown Creek to discuss a new report that reveals the relationship between global climate change, corporate bankruptcies and the crisis of the federal Superfund toxic waste cleanup program. The report, "Superfund: In the Eye of the Storm", calls on EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to add Newtown Creek to the federal Superfund National Priorities List and urges federal policymakers to support the reinstatement of "polluter-pays" fees, which expired more than a decade ago.

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RvK Call for Drinking Water Protection Heard in Advance of GE Dredging

In a victory for the Community Advisory Group for the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site, General Electric has agreed to reimburse the EPA for certain costs relating to ensuring a safe drinking water supply to the communities at risk for PCB contamination from the upcoming dredging of the Hudson River.

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1/26/09: Press Release – Community Involvement Brings Positive Response from GE in PCB Dredging

Tarrytown, NY – In a victory for the Community Advisory Group (CAG) for the Hudson River PCBs Superfund Site, General Electric (GE) has agreed to reimburse the EPA for certain costs relating to ensuring a safe drinking water supply to the communities that run the risk of PCB contamination due to the upcoming dredging of the Hudson River.

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