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GE announces completion of PCB dredging in Hudson River

Dredge Report: Mission Accomplished?

GE: Dredging complete

GE proclaims ‘Mission Accomplished’ regarding PCB dredging; not so fast, says Riverkeeper

For Immediate Release: October 5, 2015 Contact: Cliff Weathers, 914-478-4501, Ext 239 There’s much work to be done to clean the river of the toxic PCBs dumped by GE says Riverkeeper attorney. Ossining, NY — Today, General Electric prematurely called the end of its liabilities in cleaning up the toxic PCBs it dumped into the Hudson River. The corporation issued a hasty “Mission Accomplished” declaration to the media this morning. However, Riverkeeper, New York’s watchdog on the Hudson, maintains that GE is far from done. “GE is living in an […]

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Dump schmuck: Bed-Stuy biz flushed toxic waste into Newtown Creek

Boat Captain Dreams of Gowanus Canal Teeming With Life, Not Pollution

‘Defend the Hudson’ protest: Groups demand a complete cleanup of PCBs

Riverkeeper Staff Attorney Abigail Jones delivered the following remarks during today’s “Defend the Hudson” protest in Saratoga Springs, organized by the Campaign for a Cleaner Hudson. The damage that GE inflicted on New Yorkers by dumping PCBs into the river for decades has held back our communities for far too long. We cannot let GE undercut the progress it has made by packing up and leaving pollution behind to re-contaminate the river and hinder River communities as they try to rebuild their economies. And after six years of dredging by […]

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EPA won’t block GE from dismantling treatment facility as Hudson PCB dredging

GE can dismantle Hudson PCB facility as dredging wraps

Cuomo administration missing from GE cleanup letter

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