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Stop Polluters

Letter to the Editor: Coronavirus Not Relevant to Needed Closure of Indian Point

New ‘Beyond Indian Point’ Campaign Launches as Nuclear Facility Shuts Down; Focuses on NY’s Transition to Renewable Energy

Environmental organizations launch campaign to dispel nuclear and gas industry misinformation around Indian Point’s shutdown and speed the state’s move to 100% renewable energy and energy efficiency With the first of Indian Point’s two nuclear reactors shutting down this month, several environmental organizations launched ‘Beyond Indian Point’ today. The new campaign serves to inform New Yorkers about Indian Point’s shutdown and focus on moving New York State to 100% renewable energy and energy efficiency. In the face of nuclear and gas industry misinformation about what the nuclear facility shutdown means […]

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Riverkeeper issues comments on Indian Point’s inadequate license transfer proposal

Tell your reps: Stop radioactive dumping into the Hudson River
On March 25, Riverkeeper submitted our comments opposing the proposed license transfer of the Indian Point Energy Center and called for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to also reject Holtec’s Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR). Not only does Holtec’s history show that it is a bad actor not fit to hold Indian Point’s license, but its PSDAR only reinforces Holtec’s tendency to cut corners in favor of maximizing profits. As we described before, Holtec’s PSDAR is inadequate in almost all respects and it fails to meet its four purposes: Inform the […]

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State AG: ‘Grave concerns’ over Indian Point nuclear plant decommissioning

Statement on Governor Cuomo’s chlorpyrifos ban

OSSINING, N.Y. — Yesterday, Governor Cuomo directed the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to ban the aerial spraying of the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, ban all use except apple tree trunk application by 2020 and ban all use by 2021. The Governor also vetoed legislation sponsored by Senator Todd Kaminsky and Assembly Member Steve Englebright that would have also phased out the pesticide. Banning this toxic pesticide is important for protecting human health and life found in our rivers, lakes and oceans. The National Marine Fisheries Service in 2017 […]

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Riverkeeper demands NRC deny transfer of Indian Point’s license to Holtec International

OSSINING, N.Y. — On Friday, Entergy, the operator of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, and Holtec International, a New Jersey-based firm with a scandalous corporate past, asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to approve a transfer of the plant’s license and its $2 billion decommissioning trust fund to Holtec. Holtec’s recent history makes it the wrong choice to take on the decommissioning of Indian Point. The company was caught bribing workers at the Tennessee Valley Authority, was suspended from contracting with TVA, and then lied about its corporate past to obtain tax breaks from […]

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Statement regarding Entergy’s plan to sell the Indian Point nuclear plant to Holtec for decommissioning

Riverkeeper President Paul Gallay released this statement today: Riverkeeper has major concerns about Tuesday’s announcement that Entergy will sell the Indian Point reactors to Holtec for decommissioning.  Both Holtec and its intended partner, SNC-Lavalin, have problematic operating histories, including a bribery scandal in Canada that threatens to topple the Trudeau government. This proposed license transfer therefore needs careful scrutiny by New York State, and, ideally, by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The stated goal of decommissioning more rapidly than the 60 years allowed by the federal government is welcome, but that […]

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EPA admits PCB cleanup hasn’t achieved its goals, but issues polluter GE a Certificate of Completion

Scenic Hudson and Riverkeeper slam decision that makes it much harder to compel GE to continue cleanup   Groups thank Gov. Cuomo for his leadership and pledge support for his legal challenge of Certificate of Completion   HUDSON VALLEY—Scenic Hudson and Riverkeeper strongly condemn the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)—for issuing General Electric a Certificate of Completion for the Hudson River PCB cleanup while simultaneously admitting that the Superfund project has not achieved its mandated goal to be “protective of human health and the environment.” The EPA has concluded its […]

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Fewer farms using revised mega-farm manure permits

Statement: Citizens Campaign for the Environment, NRDC, and Riverkeeper weigh in on Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposal to ban plastic bags, expand NY’s Bottle Bill

Gov. Cuomo announced the proposals as part of his 2019 executive budget ALBANY, NY — New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the inclusion of a ban on single-use plastic bags and an expansion of the state’s Bottle Bill  to make most non-alcoholic drink containers eligible for the state’s 5-cent redemption. The Sunday announcement came in a press release and will be included in Gov. Cuomo’s executive budget proposal. In a joint statement regarding the announcement, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Riverkeeper said: “This is […]

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