Indian Point

Riverkeeper testifies before PSC in opposition to Indian Point’s license transfer to Holtec

Today, Riverkeeper is providing oral and written testimony opposing Entergy’s petition for the Public Service Commission to approve the transfer of the Indian Point nuclear power plant and the associated $2 billion decommissioning trust fund to Holtec. The PSC’s decision is ever more critical to protect New Yorkers as the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has failed to examine serious concerns raised before their approval of the license transfer. Please read our statement (below) and submit your own written comments at this link.  Thank you for this opportunity to comment on this […]

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Riverkeeper to challenge NRC’s approval of Indian Point license transfer to Holtec

Group will join the NYS Attorney General in challenging NRC’s approval.   NRC gave in to industry despite overwhelming concerns about license.   Once again, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has acquiesced to industry and dismissed all challenges against the transfer of Indian Point Energy Center to Holtec International, including Riverkeeper’s contention raising Holtec’s unfitness to hold the license. In response, Attorney General Letitia James has filed suit against the NRC denial of the State’s contention. Riverkeeper similarly intends to appeal the denial of our contention. We will also press our […]

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Riverkeeper’s statement on NRC’s approval of Indian Point’s sale to Holtec International

OSSINING, N.Y. — Riverkeeper is extremely troubled that the NRC has announced its imminent approval for the sale of the Indian Point Energy Center to Holtec International without addressing its contention, and the numerous serious concerns raised by local, state, and other interested groups. This approval puts the public at risk by transferring responsibility for Indian Point’s decommissioning to a company that lacks integrity, experience, and financial stability. Since the NRC has once again neglected its responsibility to properly scrutinize Holtec’s qualifications, Riverkeeper calls upon New York State to step in to […]

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NRC Staff Discuss Timeline For Indian Point Shift To Decommissioning

Opinion: CT senate candidate Ryan Fazio wants to build more nuclear reactors

State legislators push forward Indian Point legislation

State legislators push forward Indian Point legislation
Decommissioning oversight bill still needs action before adjournment.   Indian Point unit 2 has shut down. Unit 3 is poised to shut down in less than a year. New Yorkers face the actual possibility that Holtec, an international corporation woefully unfit to handle nuclear decommissioning is on the verge of taking over the plant from Entergy.  Senator Pete Harkham and Assemblymember Sandy Galef are pushing forward legislation to address an array of issues facing Indian Point’s workers, community, and the state’s ratepayers. Last week, three Indian Point bills passed both […]

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Looking Past Indian Point, Riverkeeper Takes a Pass on Gas

Earth Matters: Indian Point’s Final Days

Commentary: Closing Indian Point will renew, re-energize New York

What Happens When a Nuclear Reactor Shuts Down in Middle of a Pandemic?

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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