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Power Plant Cases

Movement to Stop Pipeline Intensifies with Public Outcry

Sanders and Clinton weigh in on Indian Point

The “careful, thoughtful” approach to Indian Point is to close it

NY Electricity Usage Projections through 2025-1
Projections for future electricity demand have declined sharply in recent years.
A deluge of problems continue to plague Indian Point. It's time for leaders to step up and call for it to close.

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From nuts to bolts: Why the NRC must ground BOTH Indian Point reactors

We just dodged a bullet with Indian Point 2. Had this reactor not been offline for refueling, the bolts in the reactor core would continue their decay and would have posed a more of a danger to the 20 million people who live and work in the 50-mile Indian Point “evacuation zone.”

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Coalition files federal appeal to reconsider Algonquin pipeline project

Entergy discovers missing, damaged bolts at Indian Point

Problem Inside Indian Point 2 Reactor: Bad Bolts

Indian Point nuclear plant reactor to remain offline several weeks for repairs

‘Faulty bolts’ discovered at Indian Point nuclear power plant

Entergy discovers missing, damaged bolts at Indian Point