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Power Plant Cases

Indian Point imperils both human life and river life

Our friend Laurie Seeman, an artist, educator and Hudson River advocate, offers these thoughts about the impacts of Indian Point nuclear plant. The risks to 20 million people are foremost in the public mind, but we should all be mindful that the plant takes a daily toll on river life. By Laurie Seeman In this season of Valentines and hearts – Here is something for the Love of the River. I wanted to offer a collective perspective that is often lost on Hudson River matters, including Indian Point’s dreadful and […]

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Environmental and Health Organizations Call For Immediate Indian Point Shutdown

The latest in a spate of troublesome incidents at the Indian Point Energy Center has prompted an urgent call from six environmental and health organizations to immediately shut down the aging nuclear plant while urgently needed investigations by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and three New York State agencies are conducted.

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Time to get serious about Indian Point

The Indian Point Leak, Radioactive Material in the Hudson

Indian Point power plant’s radioactive leak is getting worse

Indian Point Leak Prompts NRC To Send A Specialist Inspector

Environmental group wants Indian Point nuclear power plant closed during probe after radioactive water leak

Dangerous Indian Point plant must be shut down immediately

Photo: Rob Friedman / Riverkeeper
The latest in a string of malfunctions at the Indian Point nuclear power plant has prompted a renewed, urgent call from Riverkeeper for the aging plant to be permanently shut down – particularly while two state investigations are under way.

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Feds Sending Special Inspector To Check Out Indian Point Nuclear Plant Leak

Radioactive material leaked into groundwater outside New York City

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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