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Power Plant Cases

Panel: Indian Point needs transformer maintenance plan

NRC Probes Security Failings at Indian Point Power Plant

Guards raise concerns about security at Indian Point

6 Nuclear Plants That Could Be Next To Shut Down

Citing Impact of Shutdown, EPA Postpones Issuing Final Rule on Cooling Water Intake

New York State Should Object to Coastal Consistency Certification for Indian Point

Riverkeeper submits comments on pivotal issue that can expedite the closure of outdated nuclear plant

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Critics: Study on nuke fuel storage ‘fails’

Riverkeeper: NRC’s Nuclear Waste Storage Plan is a Fairy Tale with No Happy Ending

NRC study fails to comply with federal court order and ignores actual impacts of future radioactive leaks and a severe accident or attack on spent fuel pools

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NYS DOS Comment Period On Coastal Zone Policies For Indian Point Soon Ends

River waste plan’s target

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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