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Power Plant Cases

Indian Point opponents create report card, give Buchanan plant failing grade

Citizens’ Coalition Calls for Action as NRC Rubber Stamps another Safety Assessment of Indian Point and Reduces Number of Inspectors at the Plant

Urges hearings on evacuation planning and immediate dry cask storage of dangerous nuclear waste; releases report card giving the NRC failing grades for not addressing critical safety issues at Indian Point

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New York Viewpoint: Indian Point

Coalition Urges Action on Indian Point in Advance of May 14 NRC Annual Assessment Meeting

Environmental and citizens’ groups, and former and current elected officials are joining forces in a call for action in advance of yet another rubber-stamped safety assessment of the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

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Indian Point evac plans questioned

New York Nuke Waste in Limbo as Concerns Rise

Indian Point evacuation plan inadequate, feds say

Riverkeeper: Report shows Indian Point evacuation plan flawed

Evacuation Plans In Event Of Nuclear Accident At Power Stations Questioned

The Future of Indian Point on Second Anniversary of Disaster at Fukushima Daiichi

As we recall the tragic nuclear meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi two years ago, Riverkeeper continues its work on many different fronts to prevent the impact of a similar disaster from unfolding at the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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