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Power Plant Cases


Riverkeeper petitions NRC to shut Indian Point

Safety Analyses Show Meltdown at Indian Point Could Cause a Large Radiological Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Riverkeeper, Tina Posterli, 914-478-4501 x 239, [email protected] Technical Information, Mark Leyse, 646-623-6835, [email protected] Riverkeeper files petition with NRC; calls for permanent shutdown of outdated nuclear plant Ossining, NY – November 14, 2012 – Riverkeeper filed an enforcement petition with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) today, requesting that the federal regulator order the Indian Point nuclear power plant to be shutdown permanently. The petition cites safety analyses indicating that hydrogen produced in the event of a meltdown could detonate and breach one of Indian Point’s reactor containment […]

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Speak Out on Nuclear Waste

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to support a rulemaking on its “Waste Confidence Rule.” The first step is a “scoping process” to gather information necessary to prepare the EIS.

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Does Sandy Mean We Should Have Fewer Nukes, or More?

As Threat of Sandy Looms Riverkeeper Calls for Powering Down of Indian Point

Hurricane Sandy is picking up momentum and expected to reach 80-90 mile per hour winds as the storm progresses into the evening and into tomorrow morning.

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New York Energy Highway Task Force Blueprint Confirms Feasibility of a Future without Indian Point

The blueprint delivered by the New York Energy Highway Task Force to Governor Cuomo on Monday provides a viable plan for moving the state into an energy future without the Indian Point nuclear power plant.

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission Holds Adjudicatory Hearings on Indian Point

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Holds Adjudicatory Hearings on Indian Point

Indian Point – Future of Operations (Part 2)

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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