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Power Plant Cases

Looking Past Indian Point, Riverkeeper Takes a Pass on Gas

Earth Matters: Indian Point’s Final Days

Commentary: Closing Indian Point will renew, re-energize New York

What Happens When a Nuclear Reactor Shuts Down in Middle of a Pandemic?

Indian Point 2 shuts down; NY’s renewable energy transition 

Environmental groups with Beyond Indian Point campaign mark the shutdown and highlight how renewable energy and efficiency are replacing Indian Point One of Indian Point’s reactors is permanently shutting down today, with the second to follow next year. Today’s Indian Point reactor shutdown is an historic moment. Environmental and citizen groups have long fought to shut down Indian Point given the dangers it poses to the public and the lack of solutions for highly radioactive nuclear waste. As Indian Point shuts down, environmental groups – together as part of the […]

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Indian Point is finally closing. Let’s all move on

Letter to the Editor: Coronavirus Not Relevant to Needed Closure of Indian Point

New ‘Beyond Indian Point’ Campaign Launches as Nuclear Facility Shuts Down; Focuses on NY’s Transition to Renewable Energy

Environmental organizations launch campaign to dispel nuclear and gas industry misinformation around Indian Point’s shutdown and speed the state’s move to 100% renewable energy and energy efficiency With the first of Indian Point’s two nuclear reactors shutting down this month, several environmental organizations launched ‘Beyond Indian Point’ today. The new campaign serves to inform New Yorkers about Indian Point’s shutdown and focus on moving New York State to 100% renewable energy and energy efficiency. In the face of nuclear and gas industry misinformation about what the nuclear facility shutdown means […]

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Riverkeeper issues comments on Indian Point’s inadequate license transfer proposal

Tell your reps: Stop radioactive dumping into the Hudson River
On March 25, Riverkeeper submitted our comments opposing the proposed license transfer of the Indian Point Energy Center and called for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to also reject Holtec’s Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR). Not only does Holtec’s history show that it is a bad actor not fit to hold Indian Point’s license, but its PSDAR only reinforces Holtec’s tendency to cut corners in favor of maximizing profits. As we described before, Holtec’s PSDAR is inadequate in almost all respects and it fails to meet its four purposes: Inform the […]

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State AG: ‘Grave concerns’ over Indian Point nuclear plant decommissioning

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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