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Power Plant Cases

Study: Indian Point’s power easy to replace

Report: Clean Energy Projects Primed to Replace Indian Point’s Power

In just the last year, New York State began developing at least 25 percent of the alternative electricity sources necessary to replace the Indian Point nuclear power plant, according to a new report released today by the Natural Resources Defense Council and Riverkeeper.

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Hayworth, Maloney spar over environmental issues at public forum

NRC Licensing Board to hold evidentiary hearing on Indian Point relicensing

Study: closing NY’s Indian Point would be costly

Study: Closing Indian Point would be costly

Indian Point, in a first, removing spent nuclear fuel

Riverkeeper Calls for Independent Investigation in Response to Lawsuit Against Indian Point

Today a security lieutenant employed by Entergy Corporation at the Indian Point nuclear power plant announced that he is suing Entergy in state Supreme court, alleging numerous lapses in security training and computerized security systems that raise serious, imminent concerns about the adequacy of security for the two nuclear reactors and the 1500 tons of toxic nuclear waste stored onsite.

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Riverkeeper Calls for Independent Investigation in Response to Lawsuit Against Indian Point

Today a security lieutenant employed by Entergy Corporation at the Indian Point nuclear power plant announced that he is suing Entergy in state Supreme court, alleging numerous lapses in security training and computerized security systems that raise serious, imminent concerns about the adequacy of security for the two nuclear reactors and the 1500 tons of toxic nuclear waste stored onsite.

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‘Fishy’ Indian Pt. cable slam

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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