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Power Plant Cases

‘Fishy’ Indian Pt. cable slam

NRC gets letters, emails on re-licensing of Indian Point

Your Chance to tell the NRC to Close Indian Point

IndianPoint_no_security bouys
You have until Saturday, Sept. 15 to make a statement for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to consider during the pivotal hearings that will determine the fate of the Indian Point nuclear reactors.

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EDITORIAL: More power to you

State: Indian Point power can be replaced

NRC Chair Calls Review of Earthquake Risk at Nuclear Plants Inadequate; Doesn’t Have a Plan for Spent Fuel

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 914-478-4501 x 239, [email protected] Riverkeeper: NRC Chief’s concerns and no solutions in sight signal that it’s time to start planning to close Indian Point Ossining, NY – August 15, 2012 – In a recent interview, newly appointed chairwoman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Allison Macfarlane, stated that industry’s review of seismic risk at nuclear plants is inadequate. She also said that the NRC has no deadline in mind for drafting a policy for nuclear waste storage. Following is a statement by Paul Gallay, […]

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Indian Point Won’t Get New License Until Unsafe On-site Nuclear Waste Storage Is Resolved

Responding to the June 8 federal appeals court victory by Riverkeeper and our allies, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted unanimously this week to hold off on deciding whether to relicense Indian Point for 20 more years until it addresses the risks of storing highly radioactive spent fuel at Indian Point and other nuclear power plants across the country.

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DRBC fracking regs lawsuit in court

Indian Point readies shift of spent fuel: IP3 refueling requires transfer to IP2 pool; appproval took 3 years

Koch, once courted by Indian Point operator to be pitchman, explains opposition to nuclear plant

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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