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Power Plant Cases

No to a fractured state

Riverkeeper Assails NRC Report on Nuclear Safety

Task Force Fails to Address Nuclear Waste Storage Risk and Inadequacy of 10 Mile Evacuation Zone

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Riverkeeper to NYC Mayor Bloomberg: Shutting Indian Point will lead to safer, cleaner, cheaper energy

New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s position on the Indian Point nuclear power plant, as reported by the New York Times on July 7, boils down to this: no matter how old and dangerous Indian Point’s nuclear reactors may be, we’re stuck with them. We can do better than that. We need to do better than that. Perhaps the Mayor isn’t worried about Indian Point, but he should be. Indian Point is at the end of its 40 year design life cycle. It doesn’t measure up to over a hundred […]

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Cuomo urges Indian Point closing

Cuomo Wants Indian point to Shut Down

Indian Point owner vows fight to keep plant open as Cuomo prefers shutdown

Nuclear Options

Arnie Gunderson: Why 10 Mile Evacuation Plans Won’t Work

As Jeff Donn reports in his four part Aging Nukes Associated Press series, populations around nuclear power plants in our country have swelled as much as 4 1/2 times since 1980, but some estimates of evacuation times have not been updated in decades and evacuation zones have remained frozen at a 10-mile radius from each plant since they were set in 1978.

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New Power Plant Siting Law Could Boost Efforts to Close Indian Point

AGING NUKES, PART 3 of 4: Populations around U.S. nuke plants soar

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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