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Power Plant Cases

NRC Extends Indian Point License Hearing Again

Spectra Gas Pipeline Days From Operation

Indian Point is falling apart at the seams, and it’s time to shut the plant down

Indian Point is falling apart at the seams – literally. The latest malfunction at the 40-year-old nuclear plant is a leak of oil used to lubricate the plant’s turbine. Questions remain about how this happened. But we all know: The time has come and gone for this dangerous plant. It’s leaking radiation into the ground. It’s leaking oil into the Hudson River. The bolts holding the core of the reactors are failing at never-before-seen levels, anywhere in the country. Governor Andrew Guomo has said that keeping Indian Point open, when […]

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Governor Cuomo visits Indian Point nuclear plant to assess oil spill damage

Environmental group joins call for Indian Point shutdown

Riverkeeper calls for Cuomo to shut down Indian Point

Riverkeeper calls for immediate shutdown of Algonquin pipeline expansion

Riverkeeper appeals AIM Pipeline approval because of overwhelming risk to Indian Point

Riverkeeper and a coalition of groups is urging a federal court to stop the construction of the Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) pipeline before high volumes of fracked natural gas start flowing through the pipeline located in close proximity to the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

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Riverkeeper Calls for Immediate Halt to AIM Pipeline Because of Catastrophic Consequences for Indian Point

Riverkeeper and a coalition of groups has filed a Motion for a Stay asking a federal court to stop the construction of Spectra Energy’s Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) pipeline project before high volumes of fracked natural gas begins flowing through the pipeline located in close proximity to the aging Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

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Indian Point could be one of just two NY nuke plants if others close

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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