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Water Quality

Nine Million Thirsty New Yorkers and Climate Change

Putting Community Science Data to Work

Community Scientist sampling Kaaterskill Creek
Last week Riverkeeper submitted Enterococcus data collected in partnership with community scientists to NYS DEC’s Division of Water, as part of the state’s biennial statewide waterbody assessment process. In most of the places we monitor, our data is the sole publicly available source of fecal contamination information, the most important parameter for determining a waterway’s fitness for recreation. The data we submitted cover a large geographic area and a solid stretch of time, but a more impressive aspect of the submission was that it highlighted our broad and committed group […]

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New Water Quality Data for the Hudson, and a One-of-a-Kind Saw Mill River Snapshot

The results of water quality sampling during Riverkeeper’s September Hudson River patrol are now available at the Water Quality section at The water quality monitoring portion of this September’s patrol took place during wet weather. At least an inch of rain fell in the 72 hours before sampling at all locations tested, and much more in most places. Not surprisingly, our samples from most New York City and Albany sites failed the EPA’s recommended criteria for safe swimming (60 Entero/100 mL). However, Entero counts at some mid–channel sites around […]

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Sierra Club joins groups asking EPA for more Hudson River PCBs cleanup

Floodwaters send sewage into Capital Region rivers, creeks

Putting Hudson’s Sewer Issues into Context

Campaign Highlights Three Ways Homeowners Can Protect Water Quality

County Health Departments join Riverkeeper in SepticSmart Week outreach to reduce costly and environmentally damaging septic system failures.

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Volunteers Enjoyed Beautiful Weather While Helping Popular Creek in High Falls

DEP takes big step for sustainable infrastructure with ‘Envision’

Riverkeeper is proud to see a progressive approach take hold in the infrastructure world: The “Envision” protocol, a system to make sure projects are designed sustainably, using smart, energy-efficient features. We’re especially proud of the role we were able to play, through the work of our board member Paul Zofnass. The Envision protocol grew out of the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Akin to the LEED rating system for green buildings, it is being embraced by engineers and government agencies alike. Paul Zofnass […]

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Hudson River fix will take a collective community effort

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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