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Water Quality

Environmental orgs: NY Assembly must join the NY Senate to ban toxic coal tar sealants

On April 29th, 2021, seventeen environmental and public health organizations sent a letter to NY Assembly leadership urging the passage of a bill prohibiting the sale and use of pavement products containing coal tar. The New York Senate passed its version of this legislation as part of its Water Week and Earth Day package.

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Raw sewage and toxins have been polluting our waterways for decades: “Most people don’t know about it”

For North Troy Teens, there is SANCTUARY ON THE HUDSON

State lawmakers pass ban on coal tar, a popular but harmful driveway sealant

Riverkeeper sues Coeymans Recycling Center over storm water discharge

Coalition calls for implementation of critical law passed in 2018 — The NYS Drug Take Back Act

Ongoing delay of law’s implementation threatens to exacerbate the opioid epidemic amid the Covid-19 pandemic Continued flushing of unwanted drugs endangers water quality across the state Albany, NY—A broad coalition of environmental, product stewardship, public health, solid waste management, local government, and fishing organizations recently sent a letter to the New York State Department of Health (“Department”) calling for final regulations and implementation of the NYS Drug Take Back Act within 30 days (see letter attached). The law requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to fund a statewide drug take-back program that provides […]

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Troy students sample Hudson for Riverkeeper’s Water Justice Lab

Media Sanctuary and Riverkeeper launch ‘Water Justice Lab’

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Three Troy students will focus on community science and radio and podcast production to illuminate water issues that disproportionately affect Black, Indigenous and People of Color. Troy, N.Y. – Media Sanctuary and Riverkeeper announce the launch of the “Water Justice Lab.” The three-year project based at Media Sanctuary in North Troy will establish a water quality sampling lab and train students in both laboratory science and media arts skills in order to focus on environmental justice issues in the Hudson River Watershed. Three Youth Scientist Fellows from Lansingburgh High School, […]

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NY Sets Drinking Water Safeguards

Coalition Urges Continued Action to Address Emerging Contaminants Albany – Today, the NY Department of Health (DOH) took the final step to establish Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and 1,4-dioxane, three toxic emerging contaminants found in drinking water across the state. DOH’s Public Health and Health Planning Council voted to set MCLs at 10 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOA, 10 ppt for PFOS, and 1 part per billion (ppb) for 1,4-dioxane. The regulations will appear in the next State Register, at which time […]

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NYS Legislature passes bill to protect 41,000 miles of streams at risk from the Trump Administration’s Clean Water Act rollbacks

NY lawmakers pass bill to protect 41k miles of at-risk streams
Albany NY – Today, the New York Senate took a historic vote to protect clean water across New York.It voted to add 41,000 miles of at risk streams to the protected class of waters within the DEC’s Protection of Waters Program. The legislation protects streams within the Class C designation and will require a permit for disturbing a stream already required for Class AA, A, B and trout waters. This legislation passed the New York Assembly in February. Now, New York has taken the significant step of ensuring clean water […]

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Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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