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EPA released its Record of Decision (“ROD”) for the Gowanus Canal today, which requires both the remediation of historical industrial pollution and reduction in sewer overflows containing toxic chemicals and untreated sewage into the Canal. More
Files Clean Water Act Legal Notice Letter for Dredging, Sturgeon Violations More
Riverkeeper, Metro-North Railroad and City of Peekskill partner to remove trash ahead of project to provide public access to Hudson River More
The New York State Assembly will hold a public hearing in Albany tomorrow regarding the urgent need to invest in New York’s wastewater infrastructure and reverse the unconscionable decline in spending on New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) programs and staff. More
Days after the New York State Department of Health released a draft “Filtration Avoidance Determination (FAD)” that allows New York City to continue dumping turbid water from its reservoir system into Lower Esopus Creek, Riverkeeper has learned that two key provisions, designed to protect the Lower Esopus from such practices, had been deleted from the document at the insistence of New York City. More
DOH denies upstate communities written request for local public hearing More
Letters, emails, petitions demonstrate overwhelming public support for Wilderness at recent Adirondack Park Agency public hearing More
Report released today by the Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Project at the University of Texas, commissioned by the U.S. Department of Defense, finds that the Indian Point nuclear power plant is one of eight reactor sites across the country vulnerable to a sea-borne terrorist attack that would result in reactor core damage or a spent fuel pool fire and a catastrophic release of radiation. More
Riverkeeper and a coalition of environmental groups have filed a lawsuit against the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, challenging the deregulation of certain CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) dairy farms. More
Testimony Reveals Major New Flaws in Entergy’s Case More
Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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