Posts Tagged ‘Entergy’

A year after the Fukushima (segment 29:00 of Stop and Frisk)

Indian Point Debate: Battle Between Jobs and Safety

NRC on the hot seat over Indian Point: Plant called ‘old,’ ‘dangerous’ at hearing. Supporters cite jobs

One Year Later, Still Business as Usual as NRC Ignores Issues Most Vital to Continued Operation of Indian Point in Annual Assessment

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, Riverkeeper, 516-526-9371, [email protected] Hundreds to rally to urge NRC to take a hard look at the implications of relicensing in the context … Read More

NRC judges tour Indian Point over relicensing debate

NRC judges tour Indian Point over relicensing debate

NRC Public Meeting – Tell the NRC…

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is hosting a public meeting about the safety of Indian Point on May 17, and we need your help to send it a loud message: Don’t Let it Happen Here! Join Riverkee… Read More

Indian Point: Fined & Scrutinized

Riverkeeper Commends New York State for $1 Million Fine against Indian Point

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tina Posterli, 516-526-9371, [email protected] Nuclear Plant Fire and Oil Spill Led to DEC Enforcement Ossining, NY – March 26, 2012 – Riverkeeper strongly s… Read More

Year Anniversary Held for Fukushima

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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