Posts Tagged ‘fracking’

Save Our Beer! at Keegan Ales

Join Riverkeeper, Environmental Advocates of New York, Catskill Mountainkeeper and other New York Water Rangers coalition members to celebrate award-winning water and beer! The Save Our Beer! event at… Read More

Hydrofracking in Focus

The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook is hosting an event, Science and Management Forum: Hydrofracking in Focus, that features Riverkeeper’s Watershed Program director Kate Hudson… Read More

What the Frack? Event about hydraulic fracturing in N.Y

On Saturday, June 2nd, Alec Baldwin will host a viewing of Gasland, the 2010 film about the dangers of hydraulic fracturing. There will be a panel discussion after the screening. To provide a platform… Read More

Riverkeeper Supports NYS Senate’s Proposed Hydrofracking Legislation

Testifies that legislative action on hydrofracking is urgently needed Riverkeeper testified in Albany today at the Senate Democratic Conference Public Forum on Hydraulic Fracturing along with our part… Read More

Save Our Beer!

New York’s water is at risk from industrial gas drilling called fracking. Fracking requires millions of gallons of water, sand, and toxic chemicals pumped deep underground. The gas industry wants to… Read More

Groups Urge NYS Senate and Governor to Include Health Impact Assessment on Fracking in Budget

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Tina Posterli, Riverkeeper, 516-526-9371, [email protected] Larysa Dyrszka, MD, 845-583-4381, [email protected] Erica Ringewald, Environmental Advocates of New… Read More

(ECO:nomics) ‘Snake Oil’ Vs. ‘Environmental Nonsense’

Face-off over fracking

Frackers and Environmentalists Square Off

Frackers and Environmentalists Square Off

Tell Gov. Hochul to block invasive species at the Erie and Champlain canals
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